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Our Story

2024 Walk - Ottawa, ON

Together we can beat this thing! (Photo: 2024 Walk of Hope, Ottawa/Gatineau)
Together we can beat this thing! (Photo: 2024 Walk of Hope, Ottawa/Gatineau)

Teal Good Inc.

Thousands of Canadian women are living with ovarian cancer, and another 2,800 will be diagnosed this year. In February of 2020, Andrea became one of them.

At the time, Andrea was barely 42, and an energetic healthy mom to a 4yr old. Her shocking and sudden diagnosis was surreal, but as we learned, an all-too-common story.

This year is huge—we're marking our team’s fourth year in the Ovarian Cancer Canada Walk of Hope.

Four years, or as we call it, an 'Olympics of Time'—which is apt because women with ovarian cancer face a battle that rivals an Olympic marathon daily.

Our team, Teal Good Inc., is walking to change this. We have to.

In 2020, our incredible team raised over $15,000, and we are determined to surpass that milestone this year. Every dollar raised funds crucial research and improves health outcomes for women facing ovarian cancer. Together, we can make a real difference.

Join us in this Olympic fight that never ends. Let's walk together, share our stories, and inspire hope. Your support means the world to us, and every dollar you give brings us closer to a world where ovarian cancer isn’t a death sentence and no one faces this brutal disease alone.

Gratefully and hopefully,

Teal Good Inc. xx

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