Our Progress



Our Story

2024 Walk - Vancouver, BC

Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your support!

Kennedy Girls

Welcome to our Ovarian Cancer Canada fundraising page for the Walk of Hope. We invite you to be a part of this incredible event and help us make a difference in the lives of those affected by ovarian cancer. By participating and supporting this cause, you are contributing to vital research, awareness, and support programs for individuals and families facing this devastating disease.

This cause holds a special place in our hearts, as our mom has recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Our mom is an inspiration to us, and is a symbol of bravery and courage as she begins her battle with this disease. We invite you to honor our mom's strength and join us in raising funds for this important cause. No donation is too small, and every contribution counts.

Your generosity can help us save lives, improve outcomes, and bring hope to those affected by ovarian cancer.

Join us in the Walk of Hope and help our mom and countless other women in their battle with ovarian cancer!

Caitlin, Sarah and Meghan 

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