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Our Story

2024 Walk - Halton Region, ON

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Thank you for your support!

Juanita's Team 4Ever

Juanita's Team 4Ever will be participating for the 3rd year in the Ovarian Cancer Walk of Hope on September 8, 2024 at Spencer Smith Park in Burlington.  Ovarian Cancer affects over 3,000 women a year in Canada - we are hoping you can join us on the walk in-person or in spirit to make a difference!

On November 11, 2021 I was diagnosed with Stage 3C HG Ovarian Cancer. Over the last year and a half I have had 2 surgeries and chemotherapy, we have also identified that I have the BRCA1 Gene Mutation and many of our family members are being tested.  Knowledge is power and if this gene mutation is identified early it could save your life! 

Paul & I are so grateful as we have received so much love, prayers, notes, calls visits and support from our family, friends and new friends we have met on this journey and now it’s time to give back! 

We look forward to seeing you 
Many blessings, Juanita & Paul 

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